The William Van O'Connor Library

English 10 Collection

The O'Connor Library houses a series of anthologies for use in English 10. The collection currently includes the following resources:

Baldick, Chris. Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: Oxford UP, 2004.

Hamilton, Sharon.  Essential Literary Terms.  New York: W W Norton & Co, 2007.           

Kennedy, X.J., Dana Gioia, and Mark Bauerlein.  The Longman Dictionary of Literary Terms.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2006.

---.  Handbook of Literary Terms.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2009.

Mikics, David. A New Handbook of Literary Terms.  New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2007.

Milton, John.  Areopagitica. Rockville, MD: Arc Manor, 2008.

Murfin, Ross and Supryia M. Ray.  The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003.

Pearsall, Derek and Duncan Wu, eds.  Poetry from Chaucer to Spenser.  Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2002.

Shakespeare, William.  Henry V.   New York: Washington Square Press, 1995.

Rowlandson, Mary.  The Account of Mary Rowlandson and Other Indian Captivity Narratives. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2005.


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